Looking for Evidence

Who was the first person to make you feel like you were not enough? It's hard to admit but for me that person was was my dad.

For a little girl, your dad is supposed to be the one man who will love you unconditionally for the rest of your life. A dad is supposed to be the one to comfort you when you experience your first heartbreak. In my case, he was the first one to break my heart. The first person who made me feel not enough or not worth it.

Here's the thing!! > When you believe you're not enough you will look for evidence to support that notion or you make it your life's mission to prove to everyone around you (including yourself) that you are enough. Take it from someone who got straight A's as a kid, was the first in her family to attend college and climbed the career ladder into a VP role -- All in an attempt to prove to the world (and myself) that I was ENOUGH.

The truth? > You have nothing to prove. You are exactly who you were created to be and the people who matter will accept you as you are. The people who judge you or don't accept you ARE NOT YOUR PEOPLE!

Here are a few tips on how to combat the feeling of not being enough:

  1. Look for evidence that YOU ARE ENOUGH!

  2. Make a list of the qualities you possess and pull it out when you need it. If you can't come up with a list of qualities, send a text to 3-4 friends or family members and ask them what they love about you. This quick action will offer you perspective that you hadn't even considered.

  3. Create a daily affirmations practice where you continuously remind yourself of your positive qualities, your gifts and the value you bring to the world.

  4. This is a tough one, but I'm going to say it anyway - Evaluate the company you keep! How do the people in your life make you feel? If that isn't a good feeling decide what you want to do about that relationship: have an open/honest conversation, establish needed boundaries or reconsider the relationship. You deserve to have people in your life that build you up, that remind you of your gifts and value your time and friendship!

- Crystalynn

For more tips, tools and inspiration, follow me on Facebook or Instagram.