2020 Reset

Can you believe we are halfway into 2020? This halfway point is the perfect time to check in on the resolutions or goals you set way back in January - which honestly feels like 3 years ago.

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How are those goals coming along? In all fairness, this year has been a dozy for most people so before you start letting your inner critic tell you that you ‘should’ be further along on your goals - take a deep breath. Spend some time reflecting on the events of the last few months and all that you have accomplished. Think outside of your goals and to-do list. Consider the unexpected memories you made with your family. Remind yourself of the strength and resilience you built while juggling work, family, homeschooling and cooking six meals a day. (Am I the only one who felt like the cooking never ended?) Celebrate the steps you took or the progress you made on those resolutions and goals.

If you find you’re behind on your goals be honest about what has caused you to fall behind. Maybe you never got started. Maybe your plans were a bit unrealistic. Maybe you never made a plan at all. Maybe this pandemic and suddenly homeschooling your kids hijacked your energy and attention. What ever the reason, take note so you can make adjustments in the second half of the year.

Next take some time to evaluate what you want for the rest of 2020. We’ve experienced so much change this year and it’s likely that your focus, your values and maybe even your goals have changed too. Ask yourself these questions: Regardless of how 2020 has felt for you so far, how do you want to feel the remaining of the year? What action do you need to take to create that feeling over the course of the next six months?

Whether you keep your original goals or decide to start fresh, the key is doing something. You won’t get to where you want to go without a clear plan to focus on.

I wanted to share some tools I created that might help you as you reset or refocus on your vision for 2020 :

  • If you’re searching for clarity and establishing a vision for your future, check out my ebook, Heart Work. It’s a self-guided workbook that will walk you through the process of creating a vision for the life you want, discovering the secret to finding time to pursue your dreams, defining your goals, and committing to action and accountability. This is a great way to recreate your vision for 2020 and move into action.

  • If you’re clear on your goals, but find that you feel stuck and can’t seem to move into action, give yourself some grace. We are all adjusting to new working and home conditions - a completely new normal. Next, read my blog post from December titled: '4 Reasons you Aren't Achieving your Goals and What to do About it' and see if any of the excuses resonate with you. They might shed some light on why you’re struggling to stay committed to your goals.

  • If you’re struggling to make progress on your goals and need support and accountability, I can help! I offer private individual or group coaching services. Coaches make excellent accountability partners because not only do we work with clients to commit to action and hold them accountable, we also help them work through the underlying obstacles that keep them stuck. Recurring coaching sessions keep you focused and moving towards achieving the goals that are most important to you. Group coaching is a great way to experience the power of coaching at an affordable rate. Plus you’ll gain support and connect with other women facing similar struggles. Contact me to learn more about individual or group coaching services.

This year is not over. You get to choose what action you will (or will not) take over the next 6 months. You get to choose whether your life looks the same as it does today when you reach the end of December or if you will be closer to those dreams that exist in your heart. What will you choose? You still have 6 months left in 2020 and many years ahead of you.

- Crystalynn

For more tips, tools and inspiration, follow me on Facebook or Instagram.